Sunday, August 23, 2009

Joshua Tree

Since we had a few days to kill while in San Diego, Pat and I rented a car and drove to J Tree. Absolutely loved it there. If you have the means, I highly recommend it.

We got in around 1 am and pretty much found a rock and slept on it. I woke up as the sun was coming up to the sound of some coyotes or something nearby. I was freaking out because I thought they were really close. And Pat was fine, because .. well he's Pat. He'd probably live with coyotes given the chance. But I digress.. It was a beautiful sunrise.

Havin some breakfast on a rock. I think I'm mid bite.

Oh hello.

Welp, see ya later Patrick.

So many Joshua Trees.

Overlooking the San Andreas Fault.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Road Trippin

I drove my friend Emma's car to her in San Diego. We got to see some sights, but overall, mistakes were made,  disagreements were had, and we ended up in San Diego after 2 full days of non stop driving. It wasn't the worst ever, but some people have differing opinions on how road trips should be done. I like the scenic route; and some people are lame. Oh well. Once we were there, my friend Pat and I rented a car and headed up to Joshua Tree to chill. It was cool. Anyway, here are some pictures!

Some lovely rolling hills. 

Sick ride, brah.  


Yeah Wall Drug!

Bought some cowboy boots at Wall Drug. Classy.

Oh hey. Little sleep deprived?

Quick trip past Rushmore, because we didn't want to pay.

6am maybe? We still haven't stopped driving.

Took a little scenic hike.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Last summer some of my friends took me out to this rope swing... so Brittany, Kyle, Sarah, and I decided to find our way back to it.

New little friend



Rope Swing from Lauren Endicott on Vimeo.
Because it's fun to watch us all eat it in slow motion.

Friday, July 31, 2009


At the end of the summer I got the best job ever.  Penn State paid me to lead a few backpacking trips for their 2-credit Orion program (Kines 089).  I got to spend 3 weeks in the woods with some cool kids and it was awesoooome.

Week 1 -

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Rail Sesh and Pond Jump

Went down to Tennant's house in Ligonier to play on his summer set up... 
got some fun shots!

Aw his balloon matches his sunnies. How cute.


Britt can handle the rail much better than the hammock... haha.

That drop in was real sketch for us boarder kids..

Friday, June 12, 2009


A few weeks ago, I had to cover for our friend Crisp (featured in the previous post) while he was on vacation for a week. Since I was such a good sport about covering for him last minute, I decided it was time for me to take a weekend off.

Weekend off calls for a road trip. So Sarah and I headed for New York!

Since I'd never been there, I was excited to see this city that apparently never sleeps.
We left around 7 friday night, and started the trip jammin to some sweet tunes (courtesy of my cd player from about 7th grade. nice).

Sarah and I seem to have made a habit of driving places and either getting into deep conversation or really into the music... either way we don't pay attention to where we're going. We managed to at least get to New Jersey before getting lost for the first time I think... then managed to make our way into the city.. thru the Holland Tunnel...

...we get to Brooklyn, our destination, but alas, we missed the turn and ended up in... Queens!?
No idea how we ended up there, but at least we got to see a lot of the city :D

Finally we got back to Brooklyn, and arrived safely at her friends' apartment building, which had numerous officers of the law entering around the same time as we were. At least the police were never far? Lovely neighborhood.... but seriously, I liked it there.

Next morning, we took our time waking up, and the boys made us breakfast. Yum. We took the metro downtown and went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Loved this.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fresh Moves!

Last night Britt and I were chillin out on the roof at her apartment drinkin a beer and talking about how awesome summer in State College is, when we checked twitter and saw that DJKidAV was kinda bummed out:

"I miss my student friends. Only thing that sucks about penn state is losing friends to graduation!"

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring Break - Blue Ridge Mountains

So now that everyone and their mother has started their own blog, I thought it was about time that I started mine. I've been meaning to do this for about five months... basically since I graduated... and suddenly had all the time in the world. Instead, I found a million and one other ways to waste my time..

My biggest roadblock to starting a blog, was coming up with a sweet title, a good pic, cool stuff to talk about, blah blah blah. So, tonight, with nothing to do at work, and my glorious new macbook sitting in front of me, it's finally happening for me.

I guess a good start would be my spring break... this was a few months ago, but a pretty rad adventure nonetheless. A good place to start.

Having graduated in December, and not yet started my real job, I ditched my new temp job as a detailer at Saturn for a week (Bossman wasn't too stoked, but had no choice. I had already paid?? whatev) to go on spring break with some awesome people... this is our story..

We left Saturday around noon and drove to somewhere near Asheville, North Carolina where Steph's aunt and uncle live. Her aunt and uncle, Linda and Aubrey, are two of the coolest people ever. They built their own house in the 80's and they reside on about 70 acres of land in a valley in the middle of nowhere... so awesome.

Aubrey and Linda's House -->

Their property was pretty cool. They still grow a lot of their own produce, used to raise sheep and pigs i think? They're pretty self sufficient, and make insanely good food. We helped them with some work around the property in exchange for a place to crash and delicious food. Totally worth it.

After helping them tear down a greenhouse that got wrecked by a snow storm (about a week before, they had a foot or two of snow there. more than we had in pa. wtf?), cleaning up brush, and pruning some trees around the place, we went and hiked a mountain, then came back for dinner.

The food Linda made us was seriously legit. And the blueberry cobler to finish the night was unforgettable with real whipped cream... like she whipped it herself.... mmm. Definitely went into a food coma so I could eat it all. So after that, we chilled on the porch, drank some tea, and played some bocce while the sun went down.

Oh and meet Millie... our new bff... a super high energy husky. We love that dog. She's so rad.

Welp, I'm done talking. Here are some pics:

Jess, Millie, and Jamie

Extreme bocce ball yeaaa!

Wonder who won..

Their porch is a real nice place to chill while the sun sets.

The whole crew (minus Rob taking the pic) at some god awful hour of the morning.
Setting off for some adventures :D

That was just the first day... I'll post later about the following days.

In the meantime, check out our Picasa albums...

Rob's pictures taken with the D80

My pictures

K bai!