"I miss my student friends. Only thing that sucks about penn state is losing friends to graduation!"
True story, dude.. I feel your pain. So we decided to get Barnoff and go visit Alex at our fav place.. Indiglo! We walk in and it's dead... which is ok because we really just wanted to say hi to Alex, but I guess we were hoping for a little more excitement right? Little did we know we underestimated the entertainment that was in store for us!
To preface this story, I should add that I've been working as a detailer at Saturn for a few months until I start my new job. At Saturn, we have a guy, Chris (some of the guys call him Crisp), who doesn't do a whole lot more than complimentary car washes when service is done working on the cars. Otherwise he stands at the one end of the garage awkwardly staring at everyone. Pretty much the most socially awkward guy you'll ever encounter. I always say hi, but that's about as far as we get conversationally. But the other day he asked how I was! We're making progress..
Well in a recent conversation with some other co-workers, I realized that Crisp is the crazy dude who breaks it down by himself at Indiglo several nights of the week! I knew he looked familiar! So while hanging out with Alex, Britt, and Barnoff, I spotted him from across the dance floor. I was probably too excited, but it's because I had total faith that he would put on a show for us! I even got some decent pictures...
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Crispp....

That's him on the stairs, eyein up the dance floor... he then proceeded to the floor, circled it once and broke it down for us. True story.

I tried to get a close up (a little stalkerish but can you blame me?)....

Dude was all over that [empty] dancefloor... it's because everyone just wanted to watch his moves! See how his foot is blurred? It's not because it was planted in one place.

Shakin it like a polaroid picture...
And Rumor has it, Crisp has a lot of pants parties at his place? I don't know what that is, but some of the dudes at work told me. I haven't recieved an invite yet, but maybe that will be the next thing he says to me! Gosh I hope so.

And then there's this guy... This picture, nor words can describe what was going on here. It just has to be experienced first hand. But he had some sick shades and even got to dance with a few girls! At one point, he and crisp were dancing both by themselves, but near each other. I was sure there would be a breakdance fight... maybe next time.
So there you have it... another successful night at Indiglo... I'm gonna ask Chris next week if he'd please please please make some instructional videos and put them on youtube. Because I think it's about time we all learned some fresh moves.
hahaha +1 on the instructional YouTube vids. That'd be awesome.