Friday, June 12, 2009


A few weeks ago, I had to cover for our friend Crisp (featured in the previous post) while he was on vacation for a week. Since I was such a good sport about covering for him last minute, I decided it was time for me to take a weekend off.

Weekend off calls for a road trip. So Sarah and I headed for New York!

Since I'd never been there, I was excited to see this city that apparently never sleeps.
We left around 7 friday night, and started the trip jammin to some sweet tunes (courtesy of my cd player from about 7th grade. nice).

Sarah and I seem to have made a habit of driving places and either getting into deep conversation or really into the music... either way we don't pay attention to where we're going. We managed to at least get to New Jersey before getting lost for the first time I think... then managed to make our way into the city.. thru the Holland Tunnel...

...we get to Brooklyn, our destination, but alas, we missed the turn and ended up in... Queens!?
No idea how we ended up there, but at least we got to see a lot of the city :D

Finally we got back to Brooklyn, and arrived safely at her friends' apartment building, which had numerous officers of the law entering around the same time as we were. At least the police were never far? Lovely neighborhood.... but seriously, I liked it there.

Next morning, we took our time waking up, and the boys made us breakfast. Yum. We took the metro downtown and went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Loved this.